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JobLens is a SaaS application designed to streamline your JTBD research process. By simply inputting information about the product or service you're researching, JobLens will generate various essential JTBD assets such as a Job Map, Forces of Progress, JTBD Timeline, and JTBD Canvas.

Getting Started

To start using JobLens, first, you need to join the waitlist. Visit our website, click on the "Sign Up" button, and fill in your details. Once you receive your invitation, you can proceed with activating your account. There might be a short delay before receiving your invitation. We appreciate your patience and are confident that the insights you gain from our tool will be worth the wait.

Once your account is active, you can start using JobLens. The application interface is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to navigate through different features and functionalities effortlessly.

Creating a Project

In JobLens, 'Projects' serve as containers for various Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) you might be investigating for a particular project. Depending on your requirements, a single Project can encompass multiple JTBD.

Setting up a Project is straightforward. Simply go to the Projects page via the main menu and click the 'New Project' button. You can then enter a name for your Project. And don't worry, you can always edit the name later if you need to.

Creating a JTBD

Once you've established a Project, select "Explore a New JTBD" from the contextual "..." menu found on the Projects page. Choose the specific Project to which you'd like to add this new JTBD.

Select JTBD Type

After you've created a Project, choose "Explore a New JTBD" from the contextual "..." menu on the Projects page. Select the specific Project where you'd like to add the new JTBD.

Upon selecting "Explore a New JTBD", you'll be presented with the headline: "Explore the Jobs to Be Done of a:". Here, you have three options to define the type of JTBD:

  • Product or Service
  • Role
  • I already know the JTBD

Choose the option that suits your needs.

Choose JTBD Syntax

If you choose 'Product or Service' or 'Role', you'll then see the headline "Choose your preferred JTBD syntax:". This lets you select the syntax style that JobLens will use to present results. Choose between:

  • "Verb + Object + Optional Clarifier"
  • "When I + help me + so I can"

This customization enables you to interpret and analyze JobLens data in a way that suits your workflow and understanding best.

Define Your Product, Service, or Role

Next, you'll have a text field to specify the Product, Service, or Role based on your earlier selection. Type your definition in the provided field.

Review JTBD Examples

JobLens will then provide five example JTBD statements, giving you an idea of how your JTBD might look and the kind of results you can expect.

Add JTBD to Project

After reviewing the examples, click "Add to Project". This action will save the JTBD to your selected project, and JobLens will start generating the associated JTBD assets.

Known JTBD Input

If you initially selected "I already know the JTBD", you will be directly provided with a text input field. Enter your known JTBD here and click "Add to Project".

Generating JTBD Assets

The moment you add a JTBD to a project, JobLens starts building your JTBD assets. This process usually wraps up in about 3 to 5 minutes. If any asset isn't ready after 5 minutes, or if something goes wrong, you'll see a "Refresh" button on the label of that asset. Click this button to have JobLens try making the asset again.

Job Map

A Job Map is a visual representation of the journey a customer takes to accomplish a job, detailing the various stages involved in completing the task. It can be an invaluable tool for JTBD research as it helps uncover hidden opportunities, customer frustrations, and potential areas of improvement.

The Job Map consists of eight key stages:

  • Defining the Job: This is the initial stage where the customer realizes there's a job that needs to be done.
  • Locating Resources: In this stage, the customer identifies and gathers the necessary resources or tools to perform the job.
  • Preparing: The customer readies the gathered resources and themselves for the job execution.
  • Confirming: The customer ensures that everything is set up correctly and all conditions are met to proceed with the job.
  • Executing: The actual job is performed in this stage.
  • Monitoring: The customer assesses progress and adjusts actions as necessary while the job is being executed.
  • Modifying: Based on the monitoring stage, the customer may make adjustments or improvements to perform the job better.
  • Concluding: The job is completed, and the customer reviews the outcome.

When conducting JTBD interviews, a Job Map can guide the conversation and help unearth deep insights. By discussing each stage of the Job Map with the interviewee, you can identify pain points, discover unmet needs, and explore opportunities for innovation. It ensures that the entire job process is discussed comprehensively, leaving no stone unturned in your research.

Forces of Progress

Forces of Progress is a key concept in the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework that helps understand why customers make the choices they do. It provides insights into the dynamics that influence customers to adopt or reject a new product or service.

In the Forces of Progress model, four key forces are at play:

  • Push of the Situation: This represents the dissatisfaction or frustration a customer feels with their current situation or solution. It's the driving force that pushes the customer to look for a new solution or product.
  • Pull of the New Solution: This is the attraction or appeal of a new product or service that pulls the customer towards it. It's usually driven by the promised benefits or improvements that the new solution offers over the current one.
  • Anxiety of the New Solution: This force counteracts the pull of the new solution. It represents the uncertainties, apprehensions, or perceived risks associated with the new product or service.
  • Habits of the Present: This force resists the push of the situation. It's the comfort and familiarity of the current solution or the inertia against change that prevents the customer from adopting the new product or service.

Understanding these forces allows businesses to more effectively position their product or service and overcome barriers to adoption. In a JTBD interview, discussing these forces can help reveal what might lead a customer to switch to a new solution, or what might hold them back. This insight can then guide product development and marketing strategies.

JTBD Timeline

The JTBD Timeline is an analytical tool in the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework that helps in visualizing the chronological sequence of actions, decisions, and experiences a customer goes through when executing a job. This timeline not only focuses on the main task but also includes the events leading up to and following the job completion.

The components of the JTBD Timeline generally include:

  • First Thought: This marks the initial realization of a need or problem that triggers the journey. Understanding this initial spark can offer insights into what drives customers to start looking for a solution.
  • Passive Looking: This stage involves casual research or consideration about potential solutions. The customer is not actively seeking a solution yet, but they're becoming more aware of the possibilities.
  • Active Looking: In this stage, the customer is actively searching for and evaluating potential solutions. They are gathering information, comparing options, and preparing to make a decision.
  • Deciding: This is the critical point where the customer chooses a solution. It involves the final evaluation and the actual decision-making process.
  • First Use: This captures the customer's initial experience with the product or service. It's a critical moment that can significantly influence the customer's satisfaction and future usage.
  • Ongoing Use: This represents the customer's continued usage and experience over time. It may also involve troubleshooting, upgrading, or other interactions with the product or service.

The JTBD Timeline provides a comprehensive view of the customer's experience from the initial thought to ongoing use. It allows teams to identify critical moments in the customer journey, understand their decision-making process, and uncover opportunities to enhance the customer experience.

During a JTBD interview, discussing each stage of the Timeline can yield rich insights about customer behaviors, pain points, and decision factors, informing your product development and customer experience strategies.

JTBD Canvas

The JTBD Canvas is a strategic tool used in the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework to structure, visualize, and interpret various dimensions of a customer's job. This canvas outlines the different aspects of the job and the surrounding factors in an easily digestible format, providing a comprehensive view of the customer's experience and aspirations.

The elements of the JTBD Canvas include:

  • Job Performers: This identifies the individuals or groups who are executing the job. Understanding who is involved can offer insights into their roles, motivations, and pain points.
  • Must-Have Jobs: These are the essential tasks or functions that the customer needs to accomplish. These jobs are non-negotiable and form the core of the customer's needs.
  • Nice-to-Have Jobs: While not essential, these tasks enhance the customer's experience or efficiency when performing the main job. They often serve as differentiators or value-adds.
  • Aspirational Jobs: These are tasks or outcomes that the customer hopes to achieve in the future. They represent growth or improvement from the current state.
  • Context: This section covers the specific circumstances or conditions in which the customer is trying to get the job done. Context can greatly influence how a job is performed and what tools are used.
  • Aspirations: This represents the goals or desired states that the customer is striving towards. Understanding these can help align your product or service with the customer's vision.
  • Emotional Aspects: This explores the feelings and emotions associated with performing the job. It can uncover the emotional impact of the job and the emotional outcomes the customer desires.
  • Social Aspects: This considers the societal factors, influences, or implications associated with performing the job. These can include the desire for acceptance, status, or belonging, or the influence of social norms and expectations.

The JTBD Canvas is an invaluable tool for encapsulating and conveying customer insights during a JTBD research. By comprehensively working through each section of the canvas, teams can gain deeper insights into the customer's needs and motivations, enabling them to design products or services that genuinely resonate with customers.